182 - You do not know the monster I know
181 - I don’t think I can stomach anymore of this garbage
180 - I always wanted to be a Federally
179 - When an armada of human-eating lizards come my way, I can get quite creative
178 - I want to go outside
177 - Don't go freaking out and calling for Mom!
176 - Barbenheimer
175 - Next time do use the shotgun
174 - Archimedes didn't know about continental drift!
173 - I don't think they're here for the milkshakes!
172 - The penitent man will pass
171 - Okey dokey, Dr. Jones.
170 - It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage.
169 - I'm the eldest boy!
168 - You're remembered for the deals you break
167 - It's like Thomas the Tank Engine always says, “Simple is better"
166 - Where does he get those wonderful toys?
165 - Kind eyes
164 - I think it's time we paint him red
163 - A thousand troops of Koopas couldn't keep me from you!