Join us for another week of laughter, tv shows, movies and all things entertainment.
Paul takes the plunge into the third Fast and the Furious movie: Tokyo Drift - But the bigger question at hand, will he back for Fast and the Furious 4?
Dan gets his game on with Ghosts of Tsushima and subsequently gets inspired to watch the 2014 Keanu Reeves move: 47 Ronin. A movie that probably shouldn't exist
We both find comfort in our enjoyment and complete lack of understanding of Netflix's Dark
We review David Tennant's Bad Samaritan
We choose our peak performances for Sean Connery and Jessica Chastain
Plus we've got a tone of other tv shows, movies, news, goofs, gags and chortles to share.
Come and have a listen.
This week's episode title is dedicated to Sean Connery and his portrayal of Marko Ramius in the 1990 movie: The Hunt for Red October.
06m30s | What we've been watching
29m50s |Bad Samaritan review
44m00s | News
58m10s | Mailbag
63m00s | Peak Performances - Sean Connery & Jessica Chastain
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